This tool will allow you to create Key Requests:

  1. Before traffic has even arrived on a service
  2. At massive scale
  3. In an automated way (eg. via a pipeline)

key request tool 1

Create a file formatted (with a header row).

Seperator must be a pipe | and the header row names must match what is shown below.

kr tool 2

You will need an API token with v2 Read Entities and v2 Write Settings permissions.

You must run the docker command from the same directory as your CSV file.

dt_url, dt_api_token and are mandatory parameters.

dt_filename and dt_logging are optional parameters. If dt_filename is not set, defaults to input.csv.

dt_logging is used for debug purposes to add additional logging. set dt_logging=yes. Defaults to off (no additional logging).

docker run --rm ^
-v %cd%:/app ^
--env dt_url= ^
--env dt_api_token=dt0c01.***** ^
--env dt_filename=input.csv ^
--env dt_logging=yes ^